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Sugababes May Have Flatlined; resuscitate MKS

 MutyaKeishaSiobhan (MKS) – Flatline (Single)

Earlier this year, MutyaKeishaSiobhan: MKS. gave us a preview snippet of Flatline which was produced by Dev Hynes, who also produced the sublime track Losing You by Solange, so expectations for this track were quite high so do MKS deliver?

This is a strange kind of comeback, not being able to use the name that initially made you famous and to which you contributed much to its success, but as the now flatlined Sugababes (or as they officially put it on hiatus), the original members MutyaKeishaSiobhan.MKS, have re-grouped and are Back In Business and are about to take the pop crown that Girls Aloud have recently vacated.

There must have been a degree of risk by calling your comeback single Flatline, can you imagine the music press having a field day with lines like The Originalbabes comeback flat lining etc, however, there will be no need for such headlines as MKS have delivered something so amazing and unlike anything like the songs currently in the charts.

Flatline starts up 80’s & 90’s R&B sounding with the obligatory handclaps, with Siobhan ushering in the new MKS era in very much the same way she did on Overload, the change was obvious Keisha coos who could she be refering  to?

One thing that MKS apart from the other bands when they were known as the Sugababes was their vocal harmonies, when the girls sang together it was if angels were singing and now as MKS nothing has changed, Girls Aloud & The Saturdays would kill for harmonies like MKS

When Overload came out in 2000, it sounded fresh and original, fast forward to 2013 and I would say the same about Flatline, with the middle eight breakdown the dramatic tribal drums coming across all Florence & The Machine Like and with additional oh oh oh from Spector’s Fred MacPherson. There is no need to resuscitate the Sugababes as MKS have arrived and have delivered.

VereView Star Rating VVVVV/5

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